
Stop The Oil, My Doctor Says

My blood test results came back and I just got back from my doctor.  My Triglyceride indicators are higher than the normal standards.  My doctor says this is just a function of the diet.  She's recommending that I eat more inihaw and nilaga.  Hm.  Life without delicious oily foods.  Sounds bland.


Losing It ( My Appetite, That Is )

I think I'm having eating problems.  For the past few weeks, my appetite's been off.  I've been eating little.  I'm not really the hearty eater.  And I really am a picky eater since I was a kid.  But lately, I've noticed that I'm eating less than usual.  My appetite isn't that good nowadays.  It's like I either feel like I'm full or I don't have the desire to eat.

On workdays, I really don't eat exactly at twelve noon.  I usually wait for the crowd at the microwave oven to thin out before re-heating my packed meal.  But even then, I just eat because it's time to eat lunch and I want to get it over with.  Not that much gusto there.  And I usualy have leftovers, even rice.

The only time I felt so hungry and ate "voraciously" was last week.  I just finished working on a production issue ( it was already past one ) and I felt famished.  I didn't have packed lunch then so that meant it was a choice between KFC and Chowking.  I finished a merienda-sized fish tausi and beef siomai for lunch.  I think on that same day going home, I had the urge and bought a Spanish sausage bunwich while waiting in line at the shuttle terminal.

During weekends, when I usualy wake up late, I miss meals.  Well, not really miss them, but I don't eat on time.  I have a slow breakfast at about nine, and lately it's just been on sandwiches or some non-rice dish like pansit bihon because my mother noticed I don't have the liking for rice and viand lately.  This leads me to to have lunch at around two and that's if I do have the appetite for it.  Sometimes I opt out and have merienda later.

The craving for any kind of dish isnt' there anymore.  When out in malls, I get enticed by pictures in menus and posters but that's just about it.  If I do order something, be it because of visual stimuli or just because I have to eat based on the time, I don't usually finish it at all.  There're usually leftovers which would have been good if I had a doggie bag with me and if I still had dogs.  The one that gets me by on weekends are ice cream sandwiches.  Yup.  Ice cream on monay bread or pan de sal.  I usually finishe two to three of those.  That, plus fruits.

I wouldn't have made this a big deal by blogging about it, but I noticed that I really am not eating well.  Well, that, plus I think I'm getting thin.  Correction, thinner.  That would be good news to someone who's not as slim as I am.  I'm already a toothpick as it is.  To get any thinner would make me a matchstick man made flesh, er, made bone and skin to be exact.  But then again, with my appetite not cooperating in making me eat more . . . .

I wonder if enrolling in gym classes could help? Hm.